Alumni Talk: Women in Politics with Sophie Hall and Zahra Runderkamp
8th of March, 2021, 19:00 (CET)
This Alumni Talk on International Women's Day is all about women in politics! We will celebrate them, showcasing EYPs women in politics and diplomacy and, hopefully, inspire new generations. We will hear from two Alumnae who work in politics and dedicate their studies to minorities in politics. They will shed light on the topic from their own perspectives and you will be able to engage in an open discussion with them and other attendees.
Zahra Runderkamp is a PhD candidate in political science at the University of Amsterdam. Her research focusses on the representation of women and ethnic minorities in politics and the representation of these politicians in the media.
Having started in EYP Switzerland in 2009, Sophie Hall was active for 7 years, including as BNC Coordinator and finally Chair of the Governing Body. After studying Comparative Social Policy with a focus on women’s labour market participation, she went to Brussels, where she currently works as Private Secretary to the German Ambassador to the EU.