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Register your NC Participants – Diversity Lab 2020

The Diversity Lab will take place from the 15th to the 18th of December 2020, a perfect space for training and knowledge- and experience-sharing for NCs in the field of Outreach and Inclusion.

You will be invited to reflect on how our target groups for outreach can be best targeted, and how their inclusion may be affected by existing and potential practices within the EYP. NC representatives will work collaboratively with one another and with EYP members affected by these issues in order to assess the current state of play, and will have a chance to work to develop individualised, concrete action plans for improving inclusion within their NC.

The programme will be a 4-day format consisting of 4 modules per day, including learning modules, reflection and experience-sharing panels, and open spaces for discussion, best practice brainstorming and strategy creation.
For more info: https://members.eyp.org/sites/default/files/event/files/diversity_lab_2020_concept_note.pdf

See you there!

NC Contact Person

Please indicate the details of the person filling in the form. This is the person we will be contacting in the case of questions or updates to the participants' list.

Name *

Phone number *

Email *

National Committee *