Personal information

Please read the detailed call here:

You can fill out this application form until end of day 2nd of August 2020.

Full name *

Valid e-mail address *

Nationality *

Country of residence *

Gender *

Age *

Have you participated in EYP activities before? *

Have you participated in any EYP Health activities? *

"EYP Health activities" here refers to any events or activities featuring our health partners the Wellcome Trust and/ or EIT Health, e.g. the Digital Health Forum, health topics at our decentralised sessions, etc. If you are due to take part in one of these, please do count it here.

Application form

Statement of interest *

Please elaborate on your motivation to be a part of this Health Think Tank, as well as your views on the current challenges in health policy or governance in your country, the European Union, or worldwide.

Link to your LinkedIn account

(Feel free to send us a link to LinkedIn, a copy of your CV, or state your main qualifications and skills below!)

Your CV

(Feel free to send us a link to LinkedIn, a copy of your CV, or state your main qualifications and skills below!)

Description of your qualifications and skills